As the year draws to an end, we wish everyone a happy holiday season and extend warm thanks for your support. We hope that you all get to read those books on your wish list because we know that your stack will grow in the coming weeks. And we look forward to beginning the New Year by renewing our resolution to read more promiscuously across genres and borders and to share with you those books and writers who arrest our attention.
We’d love to hear about your holiday reading traditions. We’ll spend our Christmas Day reading the surprise books we receive that morning. On New Year’s Day, as we have for many years now, we will reread The Great Gatsby. By chance, novelist Mark Sarvas has a similar ritual involving Gatsby, which you can read about here.
Sacred Trespasses will take a short break and resume with tales of our reading adventures on January 10, 2017.
Happy Holidays!
Photo by Kevin Rabalais.